Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift mp3 - Anxiety Buster!

Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift mp3 - Anxiety Buster!


**Fan Favorite!!! 

Popular for calming anxiety, dealing with fear, racing thoughts, and inability to sleep.


The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift Activation is the invitation to step into expanding space which mitigates fear and its controlling effects. This immortal face lift is designed to imbibe your face, body and being with energies of expansion.  In doing so, conditions are set for individuals to calmly face resistances due to fears and eliminate non verbal feedback which communicates vulnerability to intimidation.  This face lift is for anyone seeking to exude calm in states of potency, receiving and taking action.

This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • illuminating skin with light and color - Uniquely Coded Glow Pack is included

  • eliminating facial charges created by contracted states of being.

  • inviting calm and potency to presence and demeanor

  • promoting efficiencies for neutralizing anxiety and its physical effects.

  • programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions

  • metabolization of UV radiation

During this session, Rann activates this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • needing to close eyes

  • short spells of intense energies moving around face

  • glowing

  • not wanting to speak

  • muscular aching and tiredness

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others

  • greater acceptance of personal appearance

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

*  Access to download will be available for download upon purchase.  

*  This recording is of a one hour session.  It may be played repeatedly at regular or low volume.  It may also be used in conjunction with other Immortal Face Lift Coded Activators for amplified energy.  

For a list of all Energetic Facelifts and Activations CLICK HERE

Bliss Please!

What Are Immortal Face Lifts?

        Immortal Face Lifts are light- no touch energy sessions are designed and coded to operate in the highest interests of you and your body at the time of their activation. Each Immortal Face Lift has it’s own energetic signature, and every session is unique and appropriate for supporting your own personal and physical evolution. Immortal Face Lifts may be activated as individual and group sessions.

        Immortal Face Lifts are designed to activate within a field which:
1: brings in the appropriate universal energy for each session and
2: protects each person from interference while allowing bodies to communicate with each other.

        During individual sessions you are personally coached according to your current energies and your body's current needs.  The individual session can follow the designed delivery method, or focus on specific aspects unique to you.  This can be planned beforehand, or discovered during your session

        During group sessions your body is allowed to access other bodies’ information systems in order to utilize coding in a way that works for you.  It allows bodies to do what bodies do, without bringing in energy that has been tagged with unnecessary intent or identity.  This creates greater dynamics to group sessions.   While participating in a group session, your Immortal Face Lift activation should be received as if it is an individual session.  If your intuition guides you to follow separate guidelines, then please honor your awareness.

        Due to the coding of Immortal Face Lifts, locked physical charges are neutralized throughout your body and face. This results in changes in your appearance and non verbal feedback which is recognizable by yourself and others. Your face and body will be more expressive, and your energy will experience clarity, ease, and flow. Others may not be able to describe the difference, but they will perceive your changes.

There Are Currently Three Types Of Immortal Face Lifts:

  • Face and Face & Body Lifts activate your body and face to release energies which affect your appearance and behavior in positive ways.
  • Generators & Amplifiers activate a series of fields around your body to shift the ways other perceive you in order to create greater ease in your interactions with the world around you.
  • Light Masks activate specific frequencies of light in order to address a variety of cosmetic and functional needs and desires for your body without discomfort or expensive equipment.

Immortal Face Lifts may be activated once or multiple times, as frequently as desired.

*  Energetic Face Lifts and Activators are not meant to treat medical or dermatological conditions.  If medical conditions - including inflamed or reactive skin - are present, please consult a physician before proceeding with an energetic face lift.

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